The Feathered Nest

Simple Makeover

We have owned two homes. In both, we have spent a considerable of time and money making the public areas cozy and attractive. In both homes, we seem to have run out of steam and cash before addressing the bedroom.  Both homes also shared a strange layout that’s made clothing storage a challenge.  This weekend, I decided we deserved a bedroom that is more than just a place to sleep. With a small budget and a few simple upgrades, our bedroom has become a calm oasis.

Before, the mismatched bins looked cluttered and there were not enough of them. The naked windows feel cold, this is NH after all. The plastic laundry basket is functional but certainly not pretty.

Bedroom Before

Bedroom Before


I kept the fabric bins I had and purchased new ones from Target to compliment them. I went to four different Targets to get all I needed but I still could not find exactly what I needed.  I had to settle for buying two bright white bins that I tea-stained to match the others. I made the drapes. I purchased some pretty pots, some new plants, and a hamper.  The whole thing cost less than $300.00. I think it was money well spent.

